Shockwave therapy
Shockwave therapy is an effective method for treatment of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which is an alternative to the conservative and physiotherapeutic treatment.
‘Epos Ultra’ machine manufactured by Dornier (Germany) is designed specially for orthopedic and traumatologic use. Constant point focus and ultrasound guidance system allow for shockwave therapy of the deep structures without any damage to the adjacent tissues. Moreover, this therapy stimulates body reparative systems, improves metabolism in the damaged tissue, ensures analgesic effect and destructs the foci of calcium deposits in soft tissues.
The action of shockwave therapy relies upon the acoustic shock wave, mechanical wave similar to the ultrasound wave but featuring very high pressure. Therapeutic effect lies within the range of І -15 Hz.
Effect of shockwave therapy on human body:
- Metabolism of the injured tissue improves. Affecting the tissue, shockwave therapy stimulates intracellular structures, mitochondria in particular, thus stimulating Р1 component of ATP synthase – the enzyme which transforms ATP from ADP and phosphate, as a result, a cell is supplied with more energy. Sufficient amount of ATP ensures normal function of Nа/К-pump and, consequently, stabilization of metabolic processes.
- N0 generation is stimulated, which ensures synthesis of vascular endothelial growth factor, intensifying microcapillary expansion, thus restoring microcirculation.
- Shockwave blocks neuropeptide generation (inflammation mediators, such as substance Р, bradykinin), featuring anti-inflammatory effect, which - in their turn - cause vessel dilatation and increased vascular permeability, thus reducing inflammation and lowering sensitivity of the nerve endings.
- Affecting a cell through activation of quick-response genes, shockwave therapy contributes to growth and restoration of the normal cellular structures and assemblies.
Shockwave therapy provides analgesic effect caused with hyperstimulation of the nerve endings. Shockwave-generated signals are received by cinerea and contribute to pain-killing through increased impulsion in thick myelin fibers. Moreover, recurring pain signals are ignored. With shockwave impact, opioid peptides (enkephalines) are generated, which reduce sensitivity of pain receptors, inhibiting synaptic transmission of pain impulse in posterior horn.
The third positive effect of shockwave therapy is the cavitation effect which allows for ‘destruction’ of the foci of calcium deposits in soft tissues.
Standard indications for shockwave therapy:
- prominent heel;
- achillodynia;
- tendon bursitis;
- plantar fasciitis;
- enthesopathies;
- patellar and quadriceps tendinosis;
- trochanteritis;
- subdeltoid bursitis;
- impingement syndrome;
- epicondylitis;
- styloiditis;
Certainly, shockwave therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:
- pregnancy;
- artificial pacemaker;
- inflammations and tumors in the exposure site;
- intake of anticoagulants;
- age below 18.