
Endocrinology is a quite new but rapidly developing field of medicine which deals with the structure, functions and diseases of endocrine secretion organs. Endocrinologist studies the structural relations among pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid, endocrine parts of pancreas, genital glands and their interaction with the body in general.

Endocrine system is of exclusive importance in all vital processes taking place in a human body. Physical and psycho-emotional conditions of a person are directly related to the endocrine system, which stipulates growth, development and metabolism of entire body. Moreover, the active substances excreted by endocrine cells – i.e. hormones – regulate work of all organs and systems.

You should see an endocrinologist if you are concerned with:

  • discomfort or pain in the front part of your neck, ‘lump in throat’ feeling, which intensifies with swallowing;
  • uncomfortable dryness of eyes, spontaneous lacrymation, ‘goggle eyes’, visible signs of goiter; dramatic loop of visual acuity, appearance of ‘gray fog’, ‘spots’;
  • constant or periodic heart-throb, arrhythmia, the feeling of ‘shivering inside’, excessive emotionality, ‘tearfulness’, weight loss, limosis, sweatiness, panting;
  • constipation, facial swelling, weakness, easy fatigability, intolerance of cold temperatures, dryness and thinning of skin, bad sleep at night and drowsiness at daytime, hair loss;
  • dry mouth, constant thirstiness, itching without skin rash, frequent urination (especially at night); overweight or underweight, sudden change of body weight over a short period of time, acne, sleep, low sensitivity of extremities;
  • enlargement of hands, feet, nose, change of the chin shape in the mature age, muscle and joint pain, high or low blood pressure, headache, loss of visual fields, appearance of stretch marks on the skin, frequent low-trauma bone fractures;
  • menstrual disorders, infertile marriage.

Endocrinologist’s consultancy is especially important for women, as any endocrine disorders may adversely affect the ability to carry and give birth to a healthy child (including infertility).

Endocrinologist at ‘Floris’ medical center:

  • detects hormone and metabolic disorders in case of endocrinopathies, including the ones of autoimmune genesis;
  • applies the principle of multi-discipline approach to diagnostics and treatment;
  • manages the patients in accordance with the international protocols which ensures achievement of good results;
  • applies individual approach to the patients and fully observes the principles of medical ethic.

Availability of high-tech equipment, modern laboratory diagnostics and high proficiency of endocrinologist allow to conduct the entire range of diagnostic investigations to detect various forms of endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders.


Management and follow-up of the patients with diabetes mellitus of type 1 and 2:

  • prevention, early diagnostics and treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • achievement of compensation stage using the up-to-date antidiabetic drugs contributing to weight loss and causing no hypoglycemia;
  • training and differentiated selection of optimal regimen of insulin therapy (adjustment of regimen and doses) depending on the functional condition of pancreas and taking into account the lifestyle and diet;
  • correction of chronic Somogyi rebound, hypoglycemic states.

Prevention, detection and treatment of diabetes mellitus complications:

The program for prevention of diabetic nephropathy development and progression:

  • microalbuminuria screening;
  • primary prevention targeted at prophylaxis of nephropathology in people with diabetes mellitus;
  • secondary prevention: treatment of patients with the developed nephropathology in order to decelerate reduced kidney function and to postpone development of renal failure;
  • selection and assessment of adequacy of the applied antidiabetic, antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, anti-platelet, detoxication therapy in case of renal injuries.

The program for prevention of diabetic foot development and progression:

  • assessment by endocrinologist of the patient’s feet at each visit, training on feet care rules;
  • consultancy by neuropathologist in order to detect diabetic neuropathy;
  • determination and correction of glycemic profile, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood lipids: cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, HDL;
  • ultrasound investigation of arteries and veins with the last-generation machine allowing to detect early signs of vascular disorders, to assess blood flow in the arteries and veins, to identify indications for further treatment;
  • selection and assessment of adequacy of the applied vascular, neurotropic, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, anti-platelet therapy in case of diabetic foot syndrome.

The program for prevention of development and progression of cephalic and cardiac vascular diseases (myocardium infarction, stroke) – in cooperation with a cardiologist and neuropathologist of ‘Floris’ medical center.

Training program for various categories of patients with diabetes mellitus:

  • training of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • for adult patients with diabetes mellitus of type 1;
  • for adult patients with diabetes mellitus of type 2, who take diet therapy and antidiabetic pills;
  • for adult patients with diabetes mellitus of type 2 who take insulin therapy.

Thyroid and parathyroid diseases:

  • Diagnostics and development of treatment tactics for various thyroid diseases in the new patients.
  • Differential diagnostics and management of patients with thyroid nodes, conductance of fine-needle aspiration biopsy with USI control.
  • Early diagnostics of thyroid cancer.
  • Rehabilitation of patients after thyroid surgeries.
  • Follow-up of the patients who underwent surgery for the reason of various forms of thyroid cancer, targeted at timely detection of possible relapse by application of up-to-date markers.
  • Rehabilitation of patients after iodine therapy.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of diffuse toxic goiter and its complications.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of diffuse nontoxic goiter.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of inflammatory thyroid diseases (subacute thyroiditis).
  • Diagnostics and treatment of chronic autoimmune thyroid diseases (autoimmune thyroiditis).
  • Early diagnostics and correction of thyroid functional disorders (hypothyroid, thyrotoxicosis).
  • Diagnostics and treatment of parathyroid diseases (hypoparathyrosis, hyperparathyroidism).


  • Diagnostics and conservative treatment of hormone-responsive tumors of pituitary gland: prolactinoma, acromegalia, pituitary basophilism.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of insufficiency of peripheral endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid, genital) related to pituitary-hypothalamic pathology, selection and correction of replacement hormonal therapy.
  • Rehabilitation and management of patients after surgeries or radiation therapy of pituitary gland diseases.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of diabetes insipidus.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of adrenal gland diseases. Hyperplasia, adenoma of adrenal glands, primary adrenal insufficiency. Rehabilitation and management of patients after adrenalectomy.
  • Diagnostics and treatment of polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, syndromes of multiple endocrine neoplasia
  • Diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension of endocrine genesis
  • Diagnostics and treatment of overweight and obesity:
    • detection of endocrine causes of overweight and obesity;
    • individual dietary advice and systems of exercise developed in view of all individual peculiarities – age, gender, extent of hormone disruption, presence of concomitant diseases of other organs and systems.
  • In cooperation with gynecologist and urologist-andrologist – diagnostics of infertility and disorders of reproductive function in females and males stipulated with pathology in hypothalamus - pituitary gland – adrenal glands – genital glands system. For therapy of this group of patients, contemporary approaches are applied based on assessment of interrelation between the functional state of reproductive system and metabolic disorders.